Sunday, January 11, 2009

happy anniversary!!!

woohoo!! i'm officially one year in the army!!!
ah, i found my last blog post BEFORE i enterred army. means it was on 10th january 2008. i still recall very vividly what i did that night! :O
this was my last post. it is about school! lol. got some nice pics taken by photographer in school. and my Last Supper.

anyway.. woo i'm left with 10-11 months till i get out of this prison

be stronggggg!

today was pretty fun. just spent the afternoon chilling with yvon darryl and some others, then we went to play CS!! lolol. yvon and clara went!! lolololol. there were about 16 ppl la. super alot. and well. it was the girls' first time playing. so they dunno anything.
i tried my best to teach yvonne.. but she got a headache halfway so had to stop playing =X
killed them a few times also lol. but hard la, quite instinctive when i see an enemy to just raise the gun to their head and tap tap. but i think 2-3 times i saw clara then i switched to knife and ran up and killed her :D lolol.

speaking about clara.. i've been psychoing daniel and her to quickly record some duet, cos i think she's damn talented and daniel is.. well, good. if you didn't know his youtube acct is pretty famous.. ure quite outdated. he has 7266 subscribers la wth.

anw today they recorded a practice version of a song they're gonna do soon (When both have the time. which is soon right?!? i've waited since last year!)
there's a noisy bike that drives past near the end.. sorry for that.
otherwise.. take a listen. (like yknow, take a look) and .. if you think clara is good, LET HER KNOW. because she's freaking humble and anti-herself and thinks she sucks to the max and blablbala.
The song is called Back Into Love if i'm not wrong. bye!